

Amidst concerns over climate change and a global drive towards sustainable practices, the renewable energy and green technology sectors are seeing unprecedented growth. Companies pioneering in this space, however, often grapple with the challenge of sourcing talent that not only aligns with their technical requirements but also upholds the sustainability ethos. In this challenging recruitment landscape enters Green Chilli, a NEW division of an already very well respected and established recruitment agency, Red Chilli, with a razor-sharp focus on the green tech space. Green Chilli offers to help companies navigate and triumph in the ever-evolving green tech recruitment maze.


The Green Chilli Mission

Green Chilli’s company ethos is deeply rooted in offering honest, accurate and data driven solutions to recruitment gaps and issues. Committed to filling the talent gap in renewable energy sectors such as wind farming, solar installations, biomass fuels, hydroelectricity, and expanding green infrastructures, Green Chilli is more than a recruitment firm; it’s a mission-driven partner invested in catalysing a greener future. We are dedicated to bridging the expertise deficit by connecting passionate and talented individuals with companies driving the green revolution.


Wind Power, Solar Power, Hydro Electricity, Biomass and more….

Green chilli recruitment is rapidly becoming a support partner for many UK based renewable energy organisations and supply key personnel to existing permanent teams, or source and payroll teams for ongoing projects both here in the UK and offshore. The Green Chilli team is uniquely divided in to four specific specialists who are experts in their field. Each specialist has the capabilities to provide key support roles at each stage of the infrastructure design, installation and maintenance. This includes, but not limited to:

  • Wind Turbine Technicians
  • Solar PV Installers
  • Hydrogeologists
  • Biomass Service Engineers


Green Fuel Solutions



Green Chilli’s Specialisation

Green Chilli prides itself on its acute focus on engineering and support roles. The agency’s portfolio spans several types of engineering roles including mechanical, electrical, civil, environmental, and more. Additionally, our expertise covers crucial support roles such as operations, distribution, project management, administration, and sales. Backed by industry-specific knowledge, Green Chilli adeptly manoeuvres through the unique recruitment challenges of green tech, ensuring that the most competent, innovative minds are sourced for our clients.


The Recruitment Process

Green Chilli’s recruitment methodology is both thorough and tailored. It starts with an in-depth consultation to comprehend client needs, followed by a strategic candidate sourcing approach, refined screening and selection processes, coordinated interviews, and end-to-end assistance during job offers and negotiations. Leveraging state-of-the-art technology and data analytics, our recruitment process is not only efficient but also underscores our commitment to diversity and inclusion.



Why Choose Green Chilli?

Green Chilli stands apart through its specialised approach and deep-seated understanding of the green tech market, supported by numerous testimonials from satisfied clients and candidates. Choosing Green Chilli means opting for a dedicated partner who adds value beyond the conventional recruitment offering, providing long-term support and fostering enduring relationships to fuel continuous innovation in the green tech space.


Commitment to Continuous Improvement

To deliver exceptional recruitment services, Green Chilli invests in ongoing training and development for our team. We stay abreast of the latest industry developments and employ feedback mechanisms to constantly refine our services. Our proactive stance ensures that clients and candidates alike receive a contemporary and insightful recruitment experience backed with market leading trends and data analytics to guide and advise



Solar Installations

Getting Started with Green Chilli

Companies eager to tap into Green Chilli’s specialised recruitment services can simply reach out for an initial consultation. We craft bespoke recruitment strategies aligning with specific organisational goals, ensuring an efficient, rewards result. Below you will find contact information and the next steps to kickstart your partnership with us.



Call to Action

If you’re facing recruitment challenges in the green tech sector, do not hesitate to contact Green Chilli and take advantage of our free recruitment needs assessment to revolutionise your hiring process